Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bath Time!!!!

Tonight was the first time since Kate has been able to sit up on her own, that we have put her in the "bath tub." Granted it's a small infant tub, this is one of the few times she has actually been in it. Normally she gets a shower because it was easier to bathe her, up until a week or two ago that is. She is already 6 months old, getting stronger by the day, and trying to take a shower with her has become much trickier . Grabbing hold of toys and rolling around to discover new places or get to different toys is making her quite mobile (not to mention more independent) these days. Sitting still, or laying her down on the floor while I go switch laundry or cook dinner, and expecting for find her in the same spot I left her, really isn't an option anymore with her, she's on the move. "Who's over there?" "What's this?" "What's over there?" "Is that something I can put in my mouth and chew on?" "Where are my other toys at?" These are Kate's daily thoughts, I'm almost positive.

So, tonight after a nice dinner of baby food squash, she was a mess from head to toe. She had more fun trying to grab the spoon, trying to grab the bowl, and blowing squash out of her mouth while making new and exciting noises with squash dripping down her chin. As if that wasn't enough to drive me nuts, she was sticking her fingers in and out of her mouth practically the whole time, covering them in the rejected blown out squash. She had squash in her hair, on her ears, all over her face, all over her tummy, legs, and even on her socks! Needless to say, she needed a bath, badly. So I grabbed the infant tub, soap, and her towel, and headed to the kitchen to "hose her down." As you can see by my photos, she had a blast!! She was so excited to splash around and play in the water. And it didn't take long for her to figure out that if you hit your hand into the water, it splashes everywhere! Mark finally had to hold a towel up (it's the yellow one you see in the pictures) just to keep from getting wet. When we were all done, there was more water on the counter top and floors and left in the bath tub. I would have to say Kate definitely enjoyed bath time!

Just getting started...... toy in one hand, and the other trying to figure out the water.

Kate dropped the toy, and is splashing away -- I caught the water in mid air. (Mark's holding the towel up here.)

Hey mom, this is pretty cool!

She looks innocent right now, but as soon as I took the picture, the camera got splashed!

Look at that shampoo do!

All clean hair -- I can't believe how long it's getting!! Crazy.

My failed attempt at a side shot of her mane.

All done!! Cleaned up and ready for bed. Look at those tired eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow her hair is so long when it's wet!!! She looks like Dylan in a few of these photos...
